Monday, April 25, 2016

So the school year is almost over and I'm growing up. A part of me is happy that I'm going to high school but another part of me is scared about going to high school. What if I can't find any friends that if something happen they by my side. All my true friends that I know that has my back they not going to the school I'm going to. I'm not only going to school for friends but to get smarter but learn how to care of my self before I grow up and have to everything by myself. But I'm said that I can't see my best friends but, its a go thing that I'm not going to the same school as my friends because I get to met different people and probably make new friends. When I go to high school my whole personality going to change I will be more serious and not take things for a joke. Sometimes I laugh over things that's not even that funny and I look back and say to my self , why was I laughing over that? That wasn't that funny. So I will be more focus on school and graduating. I'm also excited to be getting my first car. I can't wait to drive it for the first time and drive me and my friends to the mall. I can go to the mall or any other place I want to go at any time, I don't have to ask my mother to take me. But I know for sure my mother my want me to drive her to a few places but I don't mind because she takes me everywhere. So high school going to be a experience that I won't forget .